Danby – 5 cu. Ft Chest Freezer


SKU: DCF050A5WDB Category:

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he Danby Diplomat 5.0 cu. ft. Chest Freezer is an ideal solution for households, cottages, offices, or any other location requiring additional storage space for frozen foods. Our power-on indicator light enables you to confirm the safety of your frozen items? preservation quickly and conveniently. This model is Garage Ready & able to maintain optimal performance at external temperatures between 0°F to -110°F (-17°C to -43°C). The 360-degree cooling system utilizes D-shaped coils that snugly hug the inner wall to optimize the freezing time of newly added foods in the freezer, which preserves nutrients. This model is DOE-compliant, saving you energy and money. This freezer can sit closer to walls thanks to the new thinner profile hinges. Additionally, the counter-balance hinges enable the lid to stay open at any angle, providing easy access. The freezer is equipped with a removable storage basket to help you separate and organize your food.

* While we strive for accuracy, in the event of a price discrepancy between our website and our showroom, the showroom pricing will be deemed accurate.